Post 6

Topic: Time travel to the future


·    Where would you like to go? Why?

·    What time in the future?

·    Would you like to stay there? Why/Why not?

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Make comments on 3 of your classmates’ posts + a comment on your teacher's post

Word Count: 220 words



One of the easiest and most practical ways to time travel into the far future is to go really fast. According to Einstein’s theory of special relativity, when you travel at speeds approaching the speed of light, time slows down for you relative to the outside world. Well, if I had the possibility to time travel, I would like to visit the past, ancient times, biblical times, XIII century BC. The idea is to know how the Israeli people left Egypt through the Red Sea and how the pyramids were built. It would be interesting to know the way they lived and how they were discovering issues that are in use nowadays. I am not sure if I would prefer to be an Israeli or an Egyptian. Both positions would be in danger. I would like to have a talk with Moses and Ramses and tell them about our life in this century. To stay there? I don’t think so because I would miss the comfort of my house, the technology at my hand and junk food! Obviously, all this imagination corresponds to a believer. If all these things never occurred, my travel would be in vain.



  1. I agree when you say that you would not stay in Egypt, I think I would be very scared to do so, since it would be an extremely different reality from ours.

  2. I hope he manages to travel back in time and talk to Moses and Ramses and tell them all about it.

  3. I choose to visit Egypt as well, it has a lot of mysteries

  4. in the movies, travel to the past and change the things never ends in a good way jasjsj

  5. Makes me wonder if all the stories in the bible are real, and how shocking to travel back in time and none of it happened, good choice.

  6. Egypt has a very interesting mystique and history

  7. Wow, I can't imagine what it would feel to stay with Moses and Ramses in ancient Egypt. That sounds cool.


  8. What an interesting post to read. It had never crossed my mind to go to that time if I had the chance to go back to the past. I think it would certainly be a unique experience, but I would still go back to the comfort of my current life.

  9. Egypt is so beautiful! That would be awesome

  10. How fun would it be to travel to Egypt to know the cultures.

  11. The past is very dangerous, but interesting too, get to know how the things were used to be, would be amazing

  12. very good choice, I had not thought about it.<3
    my blog:

  13. How many movies have we seen about time travel and they never end 100% well hahaha

  14. Egypt has a super interesting history, if I could I would also like to take a trip back to that civilization

  15. I love this post! i think the times travels are a interesting theme! If this could ever be achieved, I wish you good luck with Moses and Ramses!

  16. what fun to be able to travel in the future!

  17. Egypt is so beautiful! I hope to visit it someday

  18. I find the subject very interesting and I would like to know how Einstein arrived at these deductions

  19. The history of Egypt is very interesting and enigmatic, it would be interesting to visit it in those times!

  20. What an interesting trip, I would also like to go!

  21. personally, it happens to me that I always question the story, whether or not it could be like it is, so when you say you want to know if what you think happened actually happened, it is precisely the objective of the historical questioning and it would be great to be able to know the truths.

  22. I can only say that I think traveling to the future is much more interesting than traveling to the past. Unless we travel to see Da Vinci paint, Einstein when he came up with great theories or things like that.

  23. the pyramids where not built by humans !

  24. Egypt is very interesting culture but I don't think it ends well staying at that time o:

  25. Egypt must be beautiful, its history is very interesting.

  26. I think that traveling to the future is better than traveling to the past hahaha

  27. so much could be done if we could travel back in time!

    here is my blog:

  28. I think your idea to travel to the past to know something about history is so interesting!

  29. I always ask to myself how they did the pyramids. I would go with you sir hahaha.

  30. It is very interesting what you would do if you could travel back in time!

  31. I loved the comment on the theory of relativity.

  32. It would be very interesting to see how they made the Egyptian pyramids, maybe I can see an alien! hahaha

  33. I have never liked those topics because I believe that if you change something or know too much about the future you can cause a lot of problems jeje

  34. I hope I can see the aliens building the pyramids hahaha <3

  35. sounds scary, I think I'll stay in the present hahaha

  36. Egypt is a very peculiar country, I hope you can have it travel through time!

  37. When I was younger I thought that if I traveled to the past I would have to carry some technological invention to help civilization advance faster hahaha

  38. Wooow, i feel a little bit scary with the image XD and the idea of met that people !

  39. It would be amazing to talk to them, they surely have amazing experiences. On the other hand I agree that the two points of view are interesting to know, the Egyptian constructions are wonderful and to see how they were built would be a privilege, however I would not have liked to see how Israeli slaves were treated.

  40. I am interested in the same as you !!! Now I want to travel to the past :)


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