Level 4. Post 8. English Language Challenges

> What comments can you make about your experience learning English at university? What about the use of blogs?
> What aspects of your English need to be improved and how do you plan to do this?
> Outside the English class, how much are you using English these days? What for?

- Wordcount: 260
- Make comments on 3 of your partners' posts.

The best way to overcome the challenge of interpreting spoken English is to practice and be fully immersed in an environment with English speakers as much as possible. While we have pointed out many of the challenges in learning the English languages, there are some aspects that make it easier. For example, nouns have no gender in the English language. There are only three basic tenses: the past, the present, and the future. That simplifies things a bit!
While you may not learn to speak English fluently overnight, the important thing is that you don’t give up. Learning English can be an exciting, entertaining experience. You will become better and better each day as you allow yourself to make mistakes and learn from them. Soon you will be a professional at writing, reading, and speaking English. All this, without pandemics, obviously.


  1. I still struggle with English, but I do my best to improve my skills every day!

  2. Nouns are one of the best things of english~

  3. We have to keep learning everytime we can :D

  4. very good advice <3
    my blog: https://javierajaras.blogspot.com/2021/11/level-iv-blog-8-english-language.html

  5. A tip to learn English a little bit is to change the language on your pc and cellphone. This thing works to learn more words.

  6. thanks for the tips and for the classes teacherrr

  7. Thanks for the words of encouragement teacher!

  8. Hi teacher, I agree with you that in pandemic it is difficult to learn because you need contact with other people. Traveling to a country where they don't understand what they are saying is a great tool to learn a language.

  9. Thanks for the classes teacher! have a good end of the year


  10. exactly, keep learning and don't give up

  11. Hi teacher.
    I find your post very motivating. Personally, I like English very much, it has always been a language of my interest. I would love to be able to speak it fluently and master it 100%. I hope one day to achieve it.

  12. Thanks for the words teacher and for your classes!

  13. In my opinion I like English but I am very ashamed, I find that it is important to learn it, one day I will be able to speak English well

  14. thanks for your classes! you are an amazing teacher :D

  15. Daily practice of English helps a lot <3

    here is my blog: https://noemizapata.blogspot.com/

  16. Hi professor! thanks for the classes, I was a bit behind with the blogs but now I have completed them, so you can go and read them, my blog is https://catacat3.blogspot.com/

  17. Hello teacher, I agree, the most important thing is to never stop practicing English, I thank you for all this semester, it has been difficult times for you but you have done very well

  18. Here I leave my epic story with English uwu

  19. practicing is very important, that is why practice makes perfect

  20. Thanks for everything teacher! Have a great rest of the year.

  21. I loved the tips, thank you very much professor

  22. Thank you teacher, I hope to meet again

  23. Hi teacher,, thank you really much for the tips!

  24. You are a great teacher, it shows that you want us to learn a lot, to which I leave my stories, https://donquixotepirates.blogspot.com/
    marco ramirez diaz

  25. Hi teacher, thanks you very much for sharing this, each time trying to improve my English


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