Post 1


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Blog post 1

Topic: A country you would like to visit


·    Which country would you like to go to? Why?

·    What do you know about it?

·    What would you like to do there?

·    Would you like to study/work/live there? Explain.

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Word Count: 160 words

 My favourite country is Japan. It is in Asia. Its capital is Tokyo. There are about 126 millions people living in Japan. The weather there is similar to that in Hong Kong. But, in Japan, the typhoons are mainly in autumn. Besides, it would be snowing in winter there. There are a lot of interesting things in Japan. One of them is the  the Way of Tea. It is a means of training concentration of spirit and of learning manners. For the interesting food in Japan, it should be Sushi. Sushi is a traditional Japanese food made with rice and vinegar. I like it very much. On the other hand, one of the special scenery in Japan is hot spring.  . In Hong Kong, many people like traveling in Japan. It is because there are various tourist spots. In the Tokyo Disneyland, there is the  "Disney's Dreams on Parade". It is based on the theme of dreams and features of the Disney characters, Mickey Mouse. After hearing my introduction of Japan, do you want to go to Japan too?


  1. Japan is a great country, I love how many green areas it has :3

  2. 126 millions people living in japan? it's crazy :O

  3. The japanese culture and their religion is so different and interesting. I'm interested in that

  4. Yes! I want to go to Japan after reading this

  5. I want to go to Japan, but to try other dishes besides the sushi that is so well known.

  6. Every time that somebody means Japan. Makes me remember the Shibuya's crossing.

  7. Japan sounds like a really fun place to go

  8. Japan is a destiny really nice to visit, me too wanna go it! I would like to visit the Mount Fuji and try its gastronomy

  9. Visiting Japan sounds entertaining, I think it is a country with a very defined culture.

  10. I would like to visit Japan too!, Also I recognice the character there and it's from One punch man!!, I'm a sort of Otaku and I like the "nice side" of japan that the anime shows, but it always shock me how crowded is.

  11. Visit Japan would very cool, do you know about studio ghibli museum? Is very pretty, would be nice see it

  12. Japan must be a really interesting place to visit, I love it's literature!

  13. This comment has been removed by the author.

  14. Yes, I would love to go to Japan especially for it's culture and art

  15. Yes, I love Japan, it's one of the countries I would like to visit in the future.

  16. I have always wanted to travel to Japan, the landscapes and culture are very appealing to me.

  17. I missed the chance to write about Japan :(

  18. Yes, I would definitely travel to Japan due to its history and culture

  19. It looks that Japan is an interesting country

  20. Japan seems to me a fascinating place in terms of culture, but I question his quality of life.

  21. Ufff, how you describe it, they generate more enthusiasm for visiting you one day

  22. I would very much like to see the forests of sakura!

  23. I would like to visit japan to know more about the Yakuza culture!

  24. I would like know japan, is a country very interesting!

  25. This comment has been removed by the author.

  26. Japan is beautiful, I would really like to goooooo!

  27. Japan is amazing, I would like to go there.

  28. The ramen in japan must be another level, i would like so much to go!

  29. Hello teacher, I hope you're well.
    After reading your post, I was more eager to visit Japan. I have always believed that it's a very interesting and novel country, because of all the tourist attractions it offers and mainly for the configuration of its cities. I hope to go there someday.

  30. Hello professor, two years ago with a group of people we planned to go to Japan, because of the Covid19 issue it is complicated to travel. I hope in the future to visit Japan and try the exotic food that they sell in their streets.

  31. hello mister , i love japan for the anime, i would like to go there for that reason.

  32. Japan it´s an amazing country, some day, i will visit it.

  33. Hi teacher, one of my favorite series is an anime called Hunter x Hunter and is from Japan, hopefully I can visit Japan one day.

  34. I also like Japan, I want to go some day and know its beautiful landscapes in all seasons!!!

  35. This is not my first choice of country that I would like to visit, but if I have the opportunity, of course I would go.

  36. Hi teacher!! Well... Japan is definitely one of the countries that I want to visit in my life. Its culture, so different from ours, has a lot to show and teach us. Anyway, I would like to visit the surrounding towns more than Tokyo, I think they have more history, like Kanazawa or Miyajima. Also, several of my favorite movies are from Studio Ghibli and I also really enjoy watching anime, there its show many real landscapes that I would like to visit, they are so beautiful.

  37. Hi! I would love to know Japan! but I think it is not a country where I would like to live, it is very overcrowded

  38. Hello teacher, I think Japan is a very beautiful country, I would love to visit it!

  39. it would be nice to go <3
    my blog is:

  40. Japan is a country with much to visit and see, many social and cultural attractions


  41. Hi, I love Japan, haha, it's where the things I like the most are, architecture and martial arts, greetings

  42. Japan is wonderful! I hope I can go sometime

  43. With this post, I want to visit Japan! it's really interesting culture!

  44. There is so much to visit! I would like to go for a whole year.

  45. Hello teacher, I also am interested in travel to Japan, It's a great place for learn martial arts

  46. Hello! It is also one of my options for my future trips :)

  47. I would love to know the culture of Japan!!


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