Blog post 2

Students can choose one of the topics below.

Topic: The best holidays ever


·    When was it?

·    Where did you go?

·    How long was it?

·    Who did you go with?

·    What activities did you do?

·    Why was it the best so far

·    Add any other relevant info

Upload pictures

Make comments on 3 of your classmates’ posts + a comment on your teacher's post

Word Count: 170 words

I am really fond of the holidays I have had. I hope that those reading my experience may  have the chance of being there. Anyway, you need a post as an example and here it is.  I will never forget my visiting Mexico for the first time. I spent a few days in Mexico City visiting Pyramids del Sol y de la Luna and other ruins. Also, Plaza Garibaldi, the murals painted by Diego Rivera and Frieda Khalo on the streets were magnificent.
Later, I went to Merida in order to visit Chichen Itza. The pyramid and the other sites were amazing because of the history behind. You spend a complete day there. To finish, I went to Cancun: discos and beaches were waiting for me and my money obviously. A great place to relax and have fun. The weather is unpredictable: it could rain and be hot at the same time. If you visit Mexico, don’t forget to drink bottled water only. No tap water is available in some cities, only water from wells. Maybe that is why they drink Tequila and eat spicy food so much!

Topic: The best concert ever


·    When / where was it?

·    Which artist or music group?

·    Add info about the artist

·    Describe the atmosphere during the event

·    Describe how they felt and why they enjoyed it

·    Add any other memories about it

Upload pictures

Make comments on 3 of your classmates’ posts + a comment on your teacher's post

Word Count: 170 words



  1. Your holiday sounds like absolute fun! I hope to experience it myself someday

  2. Mexico has many interesting places to visit

  3. Mexico is a very nice place, I hope to go there someday to enjoy the views.

  4. Mexico sounds really fun! I would like to go there someday

  5. Wow, I would like to visit Mexico, they have a beautiful and very colorful culture.

  6. Mexico must be very interesting, especially for its culture

  7. Without a doubt Aztec architecture seems fascinating to me.

  8. One of the reasons I would like to visit Mexico is the spicy food hahaha, I love it!

  9. That place looks greaat! Mexico is amazing

  10. I would like to try 100% Mexican food!

  11. I would like to taste the Tacos al pastor in mexico, but there are no vegetarians :(

  12. I Love the Idea to visit Mexico sometime, I love the tequila, the spicy food and how the prepare the meats, but otherwise, the news about mexico and the gangs scare me a lot, I feel kind of unsafe.

  13. I like Aztec mythology, I would like to visit that place

  14. Mexico is so amazing, i wish i could travel someday to see the aztec temples

  15. it would be great to visit Mexico and go to the Aztec ruins

  16. I would love know mexico, is beautiful!

  17. I would like to visit Mexico, I like pyramids!

  18. I didn't have idea that in some places they don't have tap water.

  19. I have always wanted to travel to Mexico for the food and the people there.

  20. From what i've read (news, books, articles, etc) it seems like a nice place to visit but sadly not a good place to stay :(

  21. i also know the pyramids of chichen itza<3 it's a beautiful place jj

  22. Wow! I have always wanted to visit the pyramids, I have seen many documentaries about it...

  23. I will add Mexico to my list of countries to visit!

  24. Mexico is pretty interesting. Only thinking in the old cultures makes me goosebump

  25. Hello teacher, I hope you're well.
    Wow, I was amazed at how beautiful your photographs are. Getting to know Mexico is in one of my future plans, I hope to go there at some point. It would be very worthwhile.

  26. Hello teacher,
    I love mexican food such as "aguachile", in spite of the spiciness its gastronomy is so varied that I would like to try it all. Some time ago I started watching "Master Chef Mexico" and I was impressed with the amount of spice they add to their dishes.

  27. Hi teacher, Mexico for his food, music and culture is an amazing place to visit I think we agree in that point jeje

  28. Mexico is a beautiful country, I hope to visit it some day or many days indeed haha.

  29. Mexico sound really cool, I want to try their spicy food too

  30. I would love to visit Mexico especially for its pyramids.

  31. hahaha teacher I love spicy food, going to Mexico would be a paradise

  32. I would love to do the same trip, how great.

  33. I think it is a very interesting and mystical place!

  34. this is the link of my blog, in case it can not be accessed

  35. Mexico is great! , I would like to visit it someday.

  36. I hope to have the opportunity to go there

  37. haha what a fun post! I will take all the advice in case one day I go, which in reality I would like very much

  38. Hi teacher, How amazing, it is incredible to witness the monolotic architecture of Mexico, those immense constructions, I hope one day to have the opportunity to visit them.

  39. what a great vacation! I would like to go to Mexico sometime


  40. Aztec temples convey greatness! I think the aztec mythology give Mexico a lot of mystery ...

  41. It sound pretty interesting, it's like the history come right of de walls.

  42. wow! Mexico sounds wonderfull!! and I would like to try all that spicy gastronomy that they have

  43. This comment has been removed by the author.

  44. I love Mexico! very fun your vacations teacher :)

  45. I have never visited Mexico, but it is on my list

  46. The pyramid catches my attention!


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